in zen, ChiMeras turn
silKen, sunLit, azure
suMMoning a Feral air
unlike arDenT
asHennnn orGasms
ninth sun, Crazier Me
in zen's salute I LurK
Alloyed, a markinG
a griM insane ForMula
nine hertz CraniuMs
raze sunK nulLities
saCruM, inner zenith
orgasM, aFlaMe in ruin
like Truth, a Grim hoMe
Taking god out of the equation
This is the Malkuth Grimoire
A grim insane formula
This is the Malkuth Grimoire
[Solo - Danny]
[Solo - Christian]
All that's needed
A universe of parts and particles
Waiting to be rearranged
All ingredients are here
Nothing needs to be added
Let alchemy suffice
[Solo - Christian]
Spirit - into form distilled
Nothing else required to build - a world
Architects of evolution
In Malkuth we reside
[Solo - Morean]
In Malkuth we belong