At Battles end…
Dagda searched for his harp
Uaitne was its name!
A gift from the past,
They went to a great hall
Where Bres did reside.
Only he could make it sing,
Make it sound by his call.
Inside he calls his harp,
And at the sound of his voice
Flew from the wall to his arms,
Killing nine men on its way.
Three songs he cast upon them,
Three tunes to silence them all.
As the harp rang out,
The magic was cast.
First tune brought fits of laughter,
The second tune, a sea of despair,
The last brought a deadly sleep,
Never to wake again!
The song rang out,
Over mountain and seas,
Left as a memory to the past.
The notes of Uaithne, from every corner
And shore...