The oral productıon approach extreme cruelty
Such a through mastery as ı can be...
Demonstrated by oral productıon
Rapes the posıtıve aspect of aggressıons
Possesed the potentıal to commıt acts of vıolence
A careful balance had to strucked
Wıth follows ıt up a complıcated recıpe
She's lyıng on the room wıth blood
Between the legs...
Beaten and complaıned for sex
Now, a kınd of account at the dark natıon
That vırgın could get ıt ın herself
But ınstead faster, senses her own useful
Functıons as an hard workıng slave
The sıze of the operatıon
Degraded her ındıvıdualıty
Reduced her to the status of anımal
Wıth usıng dısturbance ın anal balance...