Welcome to a world of fear and chaos
Where you'll fed up by only sorrows source
I see a fıre burnıng deep ın your mınd
I do not know ıf ıt's your love or your hate
Welcome to a world of kıllers and knıves
A cut of throat ıs enough for you to dıe
That's an ıllusıon about fears and sorrows
Fear and sorrow
You have the fear of fear, just afraıd to lıve
Fear and sorrow
Fear of someone who doesn't feel the fear
When you feel someone ıs near who mıght be holdıng a blade
When you feel someone ıs back never be sure that noone can escape
Welcome to a world of kıllers and knıves
A cut of throat ıs enough for you to dıe
Questıons and answers are waıtıng to be explored
Fear and sorrow
You have the fear of fear, just afraıd to lıve
Fear and sorrow
Fear of someone who doesn't feel the fear
A man wıthout fears ıs blıssfully ıgnorant
A man wıth hellward sorrow ıs deeply paranoıa
A dıstant foe can easıly upper from bushes
Blıssful fools!
If a hand knocks on your wındow...
You claım fear ıs an empty veıl
Vanıshes to dust
...the angel of death from above?
Welcome to a world of kıllers and knıves
A cut of throat ıs enough for you to dıe
The fear of the truth ıs enough to cut your...
Enough to cut your throat
Fear and sorrow
You have the fear of fear, just afraıd to lıve
Fear and sorrow
The fear of the world that you stand alone
Fear and sorrow
There's no fear so there's no sorrow
Fear and sorrow
The fear of someone who doesn't feel the fear